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General Rules and Updates


[Important Change in General Rules] ICASP13 originally installed “at most one paper per registration” policy, but decided to allow each registrant to present up to two papers with an additional fee. Check the “Registration” tab for registration fees and other details.


  1. The authors are required to submit abstracts and papers via the ICASP13 online submission system.

  2. The submissions of abstracts for mini-symposia and general sessions are now officially closed. We will not approve any additional submission requests.

  3. The full papers will be reviewed by the MS organizers and members of the ICASP13 Scientific Committee. The review decisions and comments will be delivered to the contact authors by emails.


Full Paper Submissions


  1. When and Where: September 1 ~ November 30, 2018 (Deadline Extended) via the ICASP13 online submission system.

  2. Click “Upload File” and upload the PDF file of your full paper. You are required to provide Submission ID and Password you created during the abstract submission.

  3. Click “Edit Submission” to provide your consent to the collection and use of your personal information (required). If the abstract, keywords, etc. have been changed while writing the full paper, please update the information accordingly.

  4. Page limit of full papers: 8 pages

  5. The authors are required to use one of the following templates:

  • MS Word: Click here for the template file.

  • LaTeX: Click here to download the files used to create the template.


ICASP sponsored by CERRA


ICASP13 Secretariat | 410, 316Bd. Seoul National University, Gwanak-ro 1, Gwanak-Gu, Seoul, Rep. of Korea [08826] | Tel: +82-2-871-8395   E-mail:

Korean Institute of Bridge and Structural Engineers (Director: Suk Koo Suh) | 사업자등록번호: 119-82-01987 / 상호: 한국교량및구조공학회 /대표자: 서석구


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