General Information on ICASP13 Proceedings
*** ICASP13 Online Proceedings: ***
The full papers of ICASP13 are published as a digital collection in S-Space, the open repository provided by the Library of Seoul National University with the following particulars:
All conference papers are freely available online
All abstracts and papers were peer-reviewed
Each paper resides at a permanent URL online with a unique DOI
The ISBN number has been assigned to the ICASP13 collection - ISBN: 979-119671250195530
S-Space show up-to-date statistics of views and downloads for each paper
Authors retain the copyright of their papers
There will be no brick book to carry home after the conference
All papers will be indexed in SCOPUS and Google Scholar
Delegates can access the full papers at the S-Space collection through ICASP13 mobile app
File Archive of Full Papers
Upon requests from conference participants, we share the file archive of full papers at this link (file size: 262Mb).