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Mini Symposia

Following is the list of the mini-symposia being organized for ICASP13. For more details of a mini-symposium, please click the title.


01. Advanced Strategies for Seismic Hazard Assessment and Seismic Input Characterization for Engineering Structures (Chioccarelli and Baltzopoulos)

02. Advances in Computational Methods for Uncertainty Quantification and Robust/Performance-Based Design (Spence, Taflanidis, and Shields)

03. Bayesian Analysis of Numerical Models (Papaioannou, Straub, and Papadimitriou)

04. Code Calibration – challenges and new developments (Köhler and Sørensen)

05. Development and Application of Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (Wang, Zhang, and Ching)

06. Frameworks, Methods and Tools for Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment (Alibrandi, Mosalam, and Zhang)

07. Global Reliability of Structures under Disastrous Dynamic Actions (Li, Chen, Peng, and Yang)

08. High-Dimensional Reliability Analysis of Complex Structural Systems (Broccardo, Wang, and Song)

09. Life-Cycle Optimal Design and Assessment of Structural Systems under Uncertainty (Biondini and Frangopol)

10. Life-Cycle Performance Assessment of Civil Engineering Systems under Uncertainties (Akiyama and Frangopol)

11. Life-Cycle Risk, Resilience, and Sustainability of Structural and Infrastructure Systems (Dong and Frangopol)

12. Modeling Recovery of Spatially Distributed Community Systems from Natural Disasters (Liu, Min, and Wang)

13. New Developments in Performance-Based Engineering Methodologies (Liel and Bullock)

14. Optimal Decision Making under Uncertainty for Civil Systems (Papakonstantinou, Pozzi, and Straub)

15. Performance Assessment and Performance-Based Design of Structures for Single/Multiple Hazards (Barbato and Petrini)

16. Performance-Based Design to Support Community Resilience Goals (Wang and Ellingwood)

17. Probabilistic Assessment of Risks to Power Grids: Component to Network-Level Analyses (Shafieezadeh and Stewart)

18. Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Weather-Related Hazards (Galasso, Jalayer, Pregnolato, and Martina)

19. Recent Advances and Perspectives in Catastrophe (CAT) Risk Modelling for Developing Countries (Galasso, De Luca, and De Risi)

20. Reliability Analysis in the Presence of Deep Uncertainties (Zhang, Beer, Patelli, Gao, and Ferson)

21. Reliability and Resilience of Critical Infrastructure Systems and Networks (Beer, Zuev, Patelli, Broggi, and Coolen)

22. Resilience Assessment of Transportation Systems (O’Connor and Nogal)​​

23. Innovative Applications of Statistics and Probability in Structural Engineering (Chun, and Song)

24. Risk-Informed Strategies for Enhancing Urban Resilience Under Natural Hazards (Ellingwood, van de Lindt, and McAllister)

25. Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Nuclear Power Plants (Hur and Kim)

26. Simulation and Validation of Earthquake Ground Motions for Engineering Applications (Rezaeian, Dabaghi, and Broccardo)

27. Statistical and Probabilistic Applications on Bridge-Vehicle Interaction (Pakrashi and O’Connor)

28. Statistical and Probabilistic Applications on Offshore Wind and Wave Energy Systems (Pakrashi, Hazra, and Murphy)

29. Stochastic Load Representations and Nonlinear Stochastic Structural Dynamics Approaches (Mitseas, Comerford, Beer, Kougioumtzoglou, Chen, and Jensen)

30. Structural Health Monitoring and Model Identification in Uncertain Environments (Beer, Kim, Moens, Zhang, Broggi, and Faes)

31. Surrogate Models for Uncertainty Quantification, Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis (Sudret, Bourinet, Mahadevan, and Taflanidis)

32. Value of Information and Decision Analyses in Civil Engineering (Thöns, Pozzi, Straub, and Faber)

33. Methods of Moment for Structural Reliability (Lu and Zhao)

ICASP sponsored by CERRA


ICASP13 Secretariat | 410, 316Bd. Seoul National University, Gwanak-ro 1, Gwanak-Gu, Seoul, Rep. of Korea [08826] | Tel: +82-2-871-8395   E-mail:

Korean Institute of Bridge and Structural Engineers (Director: Suk Koo Suh) | 사업자등록번호: 119-82-01987 / 상호: 한국교량및구조공학회 /대표자: 서석구


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