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May 26-30, 2019 | Seoul, South Korea


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for participating in the 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13) in Seoul, Korea.

As one of the 394 registered delegates from 36 countries, you contributed immensely to making ICASP13 a truly special event in which participants shared their recent research activities and fostered collaborative networks in the CERRA community. As the Chair of ICASP13, I had an unforgettable privilege of receiving kind words of gratitude from numerous participants on behalf of all the staff members of ICASP13. It was our great pleasure and happiness to be able to serve you in ICASP13.

We are pleased to let you know that we have completed uploading all professional ICASP13 photos to the flickr website at We hope that the photos will help you reminisce the special moments we shared in Seoul. We will also keep the conference website available so that you can access the online proceedings and other information easily. For example, we plan to upload zip files of the full papers for those who would like to download them for offline use. In addition, we will share the URLs to the online videos of the keynote lectures that will be provided by the Library of Seoul National University. Please revisit the website once in a while to find useful materials and information, or just to think of us and your ICASP13 experience.

Once again, thank you for the beautiful memory we created together in Seoul. I sincerely look forward to meeting you all in ICASP14.


Gratefully yours,
Junho Song
Chair of ICASP13

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